Chillicothe R-II School District

Chillicothe Elementary School Addition & Renovation

Chillicothe, MO


Key Features

  • 62,360 sf addition &

    3,500 sf renovation

  • # students, Grades 2-5

  • Classrooms designed for single or co-teaching

  • Collaborative learning spaces

  • Construction completed while school was occupied

  • Kitchen renovation & cafeteria addition which also serves as a storm shelter

Team Members

  • Jean Underwood, PreK-12 Expert

  • Anita Lanning, Interior Designer

Architect of Record

  • STRATA Architecture + Preservation


Chillicothe Elementary School Addition

The Chillicothe R-II School District began implementation of their master plan with the construction of a PK-1 elementary school in 2016. One of the goals was to serve all of the district elementary school students in one, updated facility. This project will achieve that goal by adding 2nd through 5th grade to the facility. The 2-story addition includes classroom wings and an expansion to the existing library, as well as a kitchen renovation and cafeteria/storm shelter addition. These additions and renovations will allow Chillicothe Elementary school to accommodate students and staff from Dewey and Field Elementary schools. The goal of the project is to create spaces that are inviting, bright, warm, and spacious.

DMA served as the K-12 education specialist and interior designer for the project.


  • Combine grades Pre-K through 5th grade in one building.

  • Leading edge 21st century learning environments for all of the district’s elementary students.

  • A building that will serve the district for many years to come.


  • Close 2 older school buildings for 2nd-5th and put an addition onto the existing newer Pre-K-1st building.

  • The design includes multiple collaboration spaces outside of the classroom for special activities

  • Pairs of classrooms are connected via a storage room to allow for easy co-teaching if so desired

  • Interior finish materials were selected to create a space that will be quiet, easy to maintain, and last long into the future.


Charles City Middle School