McBarnes Building

Meyer Capel Office Suite


Bloomington, IL


Key Features

  • 4,900 sf renovation

  • Designed to create a cohesive and elegant atmosphere

  • Reception, breakroom, offices, small and large conference room

Team Members

  • Jean Underwood, Project Manager

  • Anita Lanning, Interior Designer


Meyer Capel Office Renovation

Meyer Capel, a dynamic and growing law firm, has recently undertaken a relocation to meet the demands of its expanding business. The company chose the historic McBarnes Building in downtown Bloomington as its new home. The project included remodeling the existing space to create a new reception area, private offices, a large and small conference room, and a new break room. Wood trim detailing pays homage to the building’s architecture, ensuring a cohesive and elegant atmosphere. The focal point of the design is the strategic use of Meyer Capel’s deep blue signature color. The careful placement of this color reinforces the brand visibility from the building’s lobby, making wayfinding easy for their clients

DMA served as the Project Manager and Interior Designer for the project.


  • Remodel Meyer Capel’s new business space

  • Offices, reception area, conference rooms, and a break room

  • Create a cohesive and elegant atmosphere while emphasizing their brand and the new location


  • Renovating the existing space to create a new reception area, private offices, a large and small conference room, and a new break room

  • Wood trim detailing pays homage to the building’s architecture

  • Strategic use of Meyer Capel’s deep blue signature color


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